Monday, October 26, 2009

Math Main Lesson Block, week 1

So, today we began the day with a new CD I purchased called "This is the Way we Wash-a-Day," which was very helpful in getting the kids focused on brushing their teeth, getting dressed, making beds and putting away laundry, before we began our lessons. We started back with math again today for a new block. We wrote with sidewalk chalk on the porch, numbers from 1-24 and then jumped out the 2 and 3 times tables on the number track, while holding hands and leaping. We also circled every 5th number to get a feeling for the 5 times table.  Next we read a story for subtraction called The Monkey and the Crocodile, which we will go into tomorrow in the Math good book. We sang spanish songs about the alphabet and counting. Then we had lunch. It was rainy outside today so that we couldnt really go out. Ami drew an amazing picture of the Lion King characters, a movie she is excited about now since we checked it out from the library last week. I tell her she can watch the movie as long as we get all our lessons and reading done and so long as she is knitting while she has it on. She has been knitting a washcloth for Nana and is excited to start on a lion stuffed animal (again, Lion King excitement). We practiced recorder again, singing and playing "Raindrop Faeries" which Ami is really getting good at. Noah learned to sing the song as well. We made Sweet Potato biscuits and filled up on them so we really couldn't eat a proper dinner. Ami read me the third chapter of Owl at Home, and I read her a couple chapters of Black Beauty before bedtime.

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